Top Ten Tuesday #1: Most Anticipated Releases for the Second Half of 2016

toptentuesdayWe’re joining in on Top Ten Tuesday, a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each Tuesday, a new topic is given and it’s up to us to come up with a list of ten (or less, or more) things that go on it. This week’s topic: Top Ten Most Anticipated Releases For The Second Half Of The Year.

To be honest, this topic left both me and Sis a little stumped. There’s pretty much just one book we both thought of that is still to come this year and that we want to read. And that is…


Of course it’s Gemina by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff.

It seemed quite silly to post a list with only one item on it, so I went on to check my Goodreads TBR shelf to see what books I have there, that will come out this year. There were three more besides Gemina.


Heartless by Marissa Meyer just seems interesting, especially after reading the preview of it a the end of Stars Above. Without the preview, this book might not have gained my attention. When it was announced and all, it did not particularly interest me, but after reading the preview… Yes, now I’m in!

As for Nevernight by Jay Kristoff, well, I’ve sort of pre-ordered it, actually. The slightly more expensive US hardcover edition, that’s supposed to be signed. Yay! Not that I’ve read anything that’s written only by Jay Kristoff, but Illuminae was great, so I decided to just go for it. I mean, I don’t really get that many chances  to get signed books (signed books in my collection – zero) and stuff, so… Yay!

And then there’s Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor. Laini Taylor, enough said. And the synopsis is just…Well, it’s quite ‘what?’ and also intriguing. Although that chapter (I think it was a chapter) that was published online a while ago, was also quite ‘what?’. At least that’s how I felt when reading, but it was not a particularly bad kind of ‘what?’. 😀 So I’m waiting for the book to b released.

Check out other TTT posts of this week listed here.

What book releases are you waiting for during what’s left of this year?

9 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday #1: Most Anticipated Releases for the Second Half of 2016

  1. Heartless has made a lot of lists this week – including mine! I also have Nevernight and Strange the Dreamer on my TBR 🙂


  2. I’m absolutely waiting for ALL of these too!! *flails* I’m so so excited for Gemina. TIME MOVE FASTER, I NEED GEMINA. I HAVE QUESTIONS. XD And I’m also super keen for Nevernight (yayy Jay Kristoff!!) and Strange the Dreamer (although I’m a bit worried about it because I kind of got confused/lost in Dreams of Gods and Monsters. hehe…we’ll see!)
    Thanks for stopping by @ Paper Fury!

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  3. I REALLLLLY need to read Gemina. Before I start hearing spoilers and such. So ASAP haha. Strange the Dreamer is definitely one I need to get my hands on! And I am a little on the fence about Nevernight- just not sure if t is a “me” book, you know? Waiting for a few trusted reviews 😉

    So. I need need NEED to read the following: Like a River Glorious, Scythe (SO MUCH), The Beauty of Darkness (!!!), The Female of the Species, Replica… SO many, basically! I think I need a lot more time hahaha. Hope you end up really enjoying these!!


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